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Showing posts with label wazifa dua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wazifa dua. Show all posts
Monday, 22 June 2015
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Wazifa secure from shaytan
Invocation for Remaining Secured from Shaytan
The Comforter of the Souls, the Noble Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
has stated, ‘Whoever offers alat-ul-Fajr, and then before
speaking, recites : 9(the entire Surah) 10 times, no
Monday, 8 June 2015
Benefits of surah Kahf wazifas of surah Kahf
‘O so and so!Recite t1. Sayyiduna Bara bin ‘Azib has stated thatsomebody was reciting Surah Kahf, and an animal was
he Quran because this is Sakinah [serenity], whichdescends during the recitation of the Quran.’ (Sa i Muslim,pp. 399, adiš 795)
tied up in the house. Suddenly the animal began to jerk,and the person saw that there was a cloud which wascovering it. That person mentioned this incident to the Holy Prophet..sallallahu alaihi wasallam ... sallallahu alaihi wasallam who stated,
2. It is reported by Mu’az bin Anas Juhni that theNoble Prophet .sallallahu alaihi wasallam ... has stated, ‘Whoeverrecites from the beginning and from the end of SurahKahf there will be Nur [refulgence] from his head to toefor him, and for whoever recites the entire Surah, therewill be Nur from the earth to the sky for him.’ (MusnadImam A mad adiš Mu’az bin Anas, pp. 311, vol. 5, adiš 15626)
3. It is narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Sa’id Khudri that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
has stated, ‘Whoever recites Surah Kahf on a Friday, a Nur isilluminated for him between two Fridays.’
In one narration it is mentioned, ‘Whoever recites it onthe night before Friday [i.e. the night between Thursday andFriday], a Nur is illuminated between him and Bayt-ul-
‘Atiq (i.e. the blessed Ka’bah).’ (Shu’ab-ul-Iman, pp. 474, vol. 2,adiš 2444)
4. It is reported by Sayyiduna Abu Darda that theMerciful Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallamhas stated, ‘Whoevermemorizes the first 10 verses of Surah Kahf will remainsecured from Dajjal’ and in another narration it is
mentioned, ‘Whoever memorizes the last 10 verses ofSurah Kahf, he will remain secured from Dajjal’. (Sa i
Muslim, pp. 404, adiš 809)
- ghawran falan tastatee'a lahoo talabaa
- Wa uheeta bisamarihee faasbaha yuqallibu kaffaihi 'alaa maaa anfaqa feehaa wa hiya khaawiyatun 'alaa 'urooshihaa wa yaqoolu yaalaitanee lam ushrik bi Rabbeee ahadaa
- Wa lam takul lahoo fi'atuny yansuroonahoo min doonil laahi wa maa kaana muntasiraa
- Hunaalikal walaayatu lillaahil haqq; huwa khairun sawaabanw wa khairun 'uqbaa (section 5)
- Wadrib lahum masalal hayaatid dunyaa kamaaa'in anzalnaahu minas samaaa'i fakhtalata bihee nabaatul ardi fa asbaha hasheeman tazroo hur riyaah; wa kaanal laahu 'alaa kulli shai'im muqtadiraa
- Almaalu walbanoona zeenatul hayaatid dunya wal baaqiyaatus saalihaatu khairun 'inda Rabbika sawaabanw wa khairun amalaa
- Wa yawma nusaiyirul jibaala wa taral ard
transliteration of sura kahaf
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheema baariza tanw wa hasharnaahum falam nughaadir minhum ahadaa- Alhamdu lillaahil lazeee anzala 'alaa 'abdihil kitaaba wa lam yaj'al lahoo 'iwajaa
- Qaiyimal liyunzira baasan shadeedam mil ladunhu wa yubashshiral mu'mineenal lazeena ya'maloonas saalihaati anna lahum ajran hasanaa
- Maakiseena feehi abadaa
- Wa yunziral lazeena qaalut takhazal laahu waladaa
- Maa lahum bihee min 'ilminw wa laa li aabaaa'ihim; kaburat kalimatan takhruju min afwaahihim; iny yaqooloona illaa kazibaa
- Fala'allaka baakhi'un nafsaka 'alaaa aasaarihim illam yu;minoo bihaazal hadeesi asafaa
- Innaa ja'alnaa ma 'alal ardi zeenatal lahaa linabluwahum ayyuhum ahsanu 'amalaa
- Wa innaa lajaa 'iloona maa 'alaihaa sa'aeedan juruzaa
- Am hasibta anna Ashaabal Kahfi war Raqeemi kaanoo min Aayaatinaa 'ajabaa
- Iz awal fityatu ilal Kahfi faqaaloo Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa
- Fadarabnaa 'alaaa aazaanihim fil Kahfi seneena 'adadaa
- Summa ba'asnaahum lina'lama ayyul hizbaini ahsaa limaa labisooo amadaa (section 1)
- Nahnu naqussu 'alaika naba ahum bilhaqq; innahum fityatun aamanoo bi Rabbihim wa zidnaahum hudaa
- Wa rabatnaa 'alaa quloo bihim iz qaamoo faqaaloo Rabbunaa Rabbus samaawaati wal ardi lan nad'uwa min dooniheee ilaahal laqad qulnaaa izan shatataa
- Haaa'ulaaa'i qawmunat takhazoo min dooniheee aalihatal law laa yaatoona 'alaihim bisultaanim baiyin; faman azlamu mimmaniftaraa 'alal laahi kazibaa
- Wa izi'tazal tumoohum wa maa ya'budoona illal laaha faawooo ilal kahfi yanshur lakum Rabbukum mir rahmatihee wa yuhaiyi' lakum min amrikum mirfaqa
- Wa tarash shamsa izaa tala'at tazaawaru 'an kahfihim zaatal yameeni wa izaa gharabat taqriduhum zaatash shimaali wa hum fee fajwatim minh; zaalika min Aayaatillaah; mai yahdil laahu fahuwal muhtad, wa mai yudlil falan tajida lahoo waliyyam murshidaa (section 2)
- Wa tahsabuhum ayqaazanw wa hum ruqood; wa nuqallibuhum zaatal yameeni wa zaatash shimaali wa kalbuhum baasitun ziraa'ayhi bilwaseed; lawit tala'ta 'alaihim la wallaita minhum firaaranw wa lamuli'ta minhum rubaa
- Wa kazaalika ba'asnaahum liyatasaaa'aloo bainahum; qaala qaaa'ilum minhum kam labistum qaaloo labisnaa yawman aw ba'da yawm; qaaloo Rabbukum a'almu bimaa labistum fab'asooo ahadakum biwariqikum haazihee ilal madeenati falyanzur ayyuhaaa azkaa ta'aaman falyaatikum birizqim minhu walyatalattaf wa laa yush'iranna bikum ahadaa
- Innahum iny yazharoo 'alaikum yarjumookum aw yu'eedookum fee millatihim wa lan tuflihooo izan abadaa
- Wa kazaalika a'sarnaa 'alaihim liya'lamooo anna wa'dal laahi haqqunw wa annas Saa'ata laa raiba feehaa iz yatanaaza'oona bainahum amrahum faqaalub noo 'alaihim bunyaanaa; Rabbuhum a'lamu bihim; qaalal lazeena ghalaboo 'alaaa amrihim lanat takhizanna 'alaihim masjidaa
- Sa yaqooloona salaasatur raabi'uhum kalbuhum wa yaqooloona khamsatun saadisuhum kalbuhum rajmam bilghaib; wa yaqooloona sab'atunw wa saaminuhum kalbuhum; qur Rabbeee a'lamu bi'iddatihim maa ya'lamuhum illaa qaleel; falaa tumaari feehim illaa miraaa'an zaahiranw wa laa tastafti feehim minhum ahadaa (section 3)
- Wa laa taqoolanna lishai'in innee faa'ilun zaalika ghadaa
- Illaaa any yashaaa'al laah; wazkur Rabbaka izaa naseeta wa qul 'asaaa any yahdiyani Rabbee li aqraba min haazaa rashadaa
- Wa labisoo fee kahfihim salaasa mi'atin sineena wazdaadoo tis'aa
- Qulil laahu a'lamu bimaa labisoo lahoo ghaibus samaawaati wal ardi absir bihee wa asmi'; maa lahum min doonihee minw waliyyinw wa laa yushriku fee hukmihee ahadaa
- Watlu maaa oohiya ilaika min Kitaabi Rabbika laa mubaddila li Kalimaatihee wa lan tajida min doonihee multahadaa
- Wasbir nafsaka ma'al lazeena yad'oona Rabbahum bilghadaati wal'ashiyyi yureedoona Wajhahoo wa laa ta'du 'aynaaka 'anhum tureedu zeenatal hayaatid dunyaa wa laa tuti' man aghfalnaa qalbahoo 'an zikrinaa wattaba'a hawaahu wa kaana amruhoo furutaa
- Wa qulil haqqu mir Rabbikum faman shaaa'a falyu minw wa man shaaa'a falyakfur; innaaa a'tadnaa lizzaalimeena Naaran ahaata bihim suraadiquhaa; wa iny yastagheesoo yaghaasoo bimaaa'in kalmuhli yashwil wujooh' bi'sash-sharaab; wa saaa'at murtafaqaa
- Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati innaa laa nudee'u ajra man ahsana 'amalaa
- Ulaaa'ika lahum Jannaatu 'Adnin tajree min tahtihimul anhaaru yuhallawna feehaa min asaawira min zahabinw wa yalbasoona siyaaban khudram min sundusinw wa istabraqim muttaki'eena feehaa 'alal araaa'ik; ni'mas sawaab; wa hasunat murtafaqaa (section 4)
- Wadrib lahum masalar rajulaini ja'alnaa li ahadihimaa jannataini min a'naabinw wa hafafnaahumaa binakhilinw wa ja'alnaa bainahumaa zar'aa
- Kiltal jannataini aatat ukulahaa wa lam tazlim minhu shai'anw wa fajjarnaa khi laalahumaa naharaa
- Wa kaana lahoo samarun faqaala lisaahibihee wa huwa yuhaawiruhoo ana aksaru minka maalanw wa a'azzu nafaraa
- Wa dakhala jannatahoo wa huwa zaalimul linafsihee qaala maaa azunnu an tabeeda haaziheee abadaa
- Wa maaa azunnus Saa'ata qaaa'imatanw wa la'ir rudittu ilaa Rabbee la ajidanna khairam minhaa munqalabaa
- Qaala lahoo saahibuhoo wa huwa yuhaawiruhooo akafarta billazee khalaqaka min turaabin summa min nutfatin summa sawwaaka rajulaa
- Laakinaa Huwal laahu Rabbee wa laa ushriku bi Rabbeee ahadaa
- Wa law laaa iz dakhalta jannataka qulta maa shaaa'al laahu laa quwwata illaa billaah; in tarani ana aqalla minka maalanw wa waladaa
- Fa'asaa Rabeee any yu'tiyani khairam min jannatika wa yursila 'alaihaa husbaanam minas samaaa'i fatusbiha sa'eedan zalaqaa
- Aw yusbiha maaa'uhaaa
- Wa 'uridoo 'alaa Rabbika saffaa, laqad ji'tumoonaa kamaa khalaqnaakum awala marrah; bal za'amtum allannaj'ala lakum maw'idaa
- Wa wudi'al kitaabu fataral mujrimeena mushfiqeena mimmaa feehi wa yaqooloona yaa wailatanaa maa lihaazal kitaabi laa yughaadiru saghee ratanw wa laa kabeeratan illaaa ahsaahaa; wa wajadoo maa 'amiloo haadiraa; wa laa yazlimu Rabbuka ahadaa (Section 6)
- Wa iz qulnaa lilma laaa'ikatis judoo li Aadama fasajadooo illaaa Ibleesa kaana minal jinni fafasaqa 'an amri Rabbih; afatattakhizoonahoo wa zurriyatahooo awliyaaa'a min doonee wa hum lakum 'aduww; bi'sa lizzaalimeena badalaa
- Maaa ash hattuhum khalqas samaawaati wal ardi wa laa khalqa anfusihim wa maa kuntu muttakizal mudilleena 'adudaa
- Wa Yawma yaqoolu naadoo shurakaaa'i yal lazeena za'amtum fada'awhum falam yastajeeboo lahum wa ja'alnaa bainahum maw biqaa
- Wa ra al mujrimoonan Naara fazannooo annahum muwaaqi'oohaa wa lam yajidoo 'anhaa masrifaa (section 7)
- Wa laqad sarrafnaa fee haazal quraani linnaasi mn kulli masal; wa kaanal insaanu aksara shai'in jadalaa
- Wa maa mana'an naasa any yu'minooo iz jaaa'ahumul hudaa wa yastaghfiroo Rabbahum illaaa an taatiyahum sunnatul awwaleena aw yaatiyahumul 'azaabu qubulaa
- Wa maa nursilul mursaleena illaa mubashshireena wa munzireen; wa yujaadilul lazeena kafaroo bilbaatili liyudhidoo bihil haqqa wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa maaa unziroo huzuwaa
- Wa man azlamu mimman zukkira bi ayaati Rabbihee fa-a'rada 'anhaa wa nasiya maa qaddamat yadaah; innaa ja'alnaa 'alaa quloobihim akinnatan any yafqahoohu wa feee aazaanihim waqraa; wa in tad'uhum ilal hudaa falany yahtadooo izan abadaa
- Wa Rabbukal Ghafooru zur rahmati law yu'aakhi zuhum bimaa kasaboo la'ajala lahumul 'azaab; bal lahum maw'idul lany yajidoo min doonihee maw'ilaa
- Wa tkal quraaa ahlak nahum lammaa zulamoo wa ja'alnaa limahlikihim maw'idaa (section 8)
- Wa iz qaalaa Moosaa lifataahu laaa abrahu hattaaa ablugha majma'al bahrayni aw amdiya huqubaa
- Falammaa balaghaa majma'a bainihimaa nasiyaa hootahumaa fattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri sarabaa
- Falammaa jaawazaa qaala lifataahu aatinaa ghadaaa'anaa laqad laqeena min safarinaa haazaa nasabaa
- Qaala ara'ayta iz awainaaa ilas sakhrati fa innee naseetul hoota wa maaa ansaaneehu illash Shaitaanu an azkurah; wattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri'ajabaa
- Qaala zaalika maa kunnaa nabgh; fartaddaa 'alaa aasaari him maa qasasaa
- Fa wajadaa 'abdam min 'ibaadinaaa aatainaahu Rahmatam min 'indinaa wa 'allamnaahu mil ladunnaa 'ilmaa
- Qaala lahoo Moosaa hal attabi'uka 'alaaa an tu'allimani mimmaa 'ullimta rushdaa
- Qaalaa innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Wa kaifa tasbiru 'alaa maa lam tuhit bihee khubraa
- Qaala satajiduneee in shaa 'al laahu saabiranw wa laaa a'see laka amraa
- Qaala fa init taba'tanee falaa tas'alnee 'an shai'in hattaaa uhdisa laka minhu zikraa (section 9)
- Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaa rakibaa fis safeenati kharaqahaa qaala akharaqtahaa litughriqa ahlahaa laqad ji'ta shai'an imraa
- Qaala alam aqul innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Qaala laa tu'aakhiznee bimaa naseetu wa laa turhiqnee min amree 'usraa
- Fantalaqaa hattaa izaa laqiyaa ghulaaman faqatalahoo qaala aqatalta nafsan zakiy yatam bighairi nafs; laqad ji'ta shai'an nukraa
- Qaala alam aqul laka innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Qaala in sa altuka 'an shai'im ba'dahaa falaa tusaahibnee qad balaghta mil ladunnee 'uzraa
- Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaaa atayaaa ahla qaryatinis tat'amaaa ahlahaa fa abaw any yudaiyifoohumaa fawajadaa feehaa jidaarany yureedu any yanqadda fa aqaamah; qaala law shi'ta lattakhazta 'alaihi ajraa
- Qaala haazaa firaaqu bainee wa bainik; sa unabi 'uka bitaaweeli maa lam tastati' 'alaihi sabraa
- Ammas safeenatu fakaanat limasaakeena ya'maloona fil bahri fa arattu an a'eebahaa wa kaana waraaa' ahum malikuny yaakhuzu kulla safeenatin ghasbaa
- Wa aammal ghulaamu fakaana abawaahu mu'minaini fakhasheenaaa any yurhiqa humaa tughyaananw wa kufraa
- Faradnaa any yubdila humaa Rabbuhumaa khairam minhu zakaatanw wa aqraba ruhmaa
- Wa ammal jidaaru fakaana lighulaamaini yateemaini fil madeenati wa kaana tahtahoo kanzul lahumaa wa kaana aboohumaa saalihan fa araada Rabbuka any yablughaaa ashuddahumaa wa yastakhrijaa kanzahumaa rahmatam mir Rabbik; wa maa fa'altuhoo 'an amree; zaalika taaweelu maa lam tasti' 'alaihi sabra (Section 10)
- Wa yas'aloonaka 'an Zil Qarnaini qul sa atloo 'alaikum minhu zikraa
- Innaa makkannaa lahoo fil ardi wa aatainaahu min kulli shai'in sababaa
- Fa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha maghribash shamsi wajadahaaa taghrubu fee 'aynin hami'a tinw wa wajada 'indahaa qawmaa; qulnaa yaa Zal Qarnaini immaaa an tu'az ziba wa immaaa an tattakhiza feehim husnaa
- Qaala amaa man zalama fasawfa nu'azzibuhoo summa yuraddu ilaa Rabbihee fa yu 'azzibuhoo azaaban nukraa
- Wa ammaa man aamana wa 'amila saalihan falahoo jazaaa'anil husnaa wa sanaqoolu lahoo min amrinaa yusraa
- Summa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha matli'ash shamsi wajdahaa tatlu'u alaa qawmil lam naj'al lahum min doonihaa sitraa
- Kazaalika wa qad ahatnaa bimaa ladaihi khubraa
- Summa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha bainas saddaini wajada min doonihimaa qawmal laa yakaa doona yafqahoona qawlaa
- Qaaloo yaa Zal qarnaini inna Yaajooja wa Maajooja mufsidoona fil ardi fahal naj'alu laka kharjan 'alaaa an taj'ala bainanaa wa bainahum saddas
- Qaala maa makkannee feehi Rabbee khairun fa-a'eenoonee biquwwatin aj'al bainakum wa bainahum radmaa
- Aatoonee zubaral hadeed, hattaaa izaa saawaa bainas sadafaini qaalan fukhoo hattaaa izaa ja'alahoo naaran qaala aatooneee ufrigh 'alaihi qitraa
- Famas taa'ooo any yazharoohu wa mastataa'oo lahoo naqbaa
- Qaala haaza rahmatummir Rabbee fa izaa jaaa'a wa'du Rabbee ja'alahoo dakkaaa'a; wa kaana; wa du Rabbee haqqaa
- Wa taraknaa ba'dahum Yawma'iziny yamooju fee ba'dinw wa nufikha fis Soori fajama'naahum jam'aa
- Wa 'aradnaa jahannama Yawma'izil lilkaafireena 'ardaa
- Allazeena kaanat a'yunuhum fee ghitaaa'in 'an zikree wa kaanoo la yastatee'oona sam'aa (section 11)
- Afahasibal lazeena kafarooo any yattakhizoo 'ibaadee min dooneee awliyaaa'; innaaa a'tadnaa jahannama lilkaafi reena nuzulaa
- Qul hal nunabbi'ukum bilakhsareena a'maalaa
- Allazeena dalla sa'yuhum fil hayaatid dunyaa wa hum yahsaboona annahum yuhsinoona sun'aa
- Ulaaa'ikal lazeena kafaroo bi aayaati Rabbihim wa liqaaa'ihee fahabitat a'maaluhum falaa nuqeemu lahum Yawmal Qiyaamati waznaa
- Zaalika jazaaa'uhum jahannamu bimaa kafaroo wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa Rusulee huzuwaa
- Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati kaanat lahum Jannaatul Firdawsi nuzulaa
- Khaalideena feeha la yabghoona 'anhaa hiwalaa
- Qul law kaanal bahru midaadal lik Kalimaati Rabbee lanafidal bahru qabla an tanfada Kalimaatu Rabbee wa law ji'naa bimislihee madadaa
- Qul innamaaa ana basharum mislukum yoohaaa ilaiya annamaa ilaahukum Ilaahunw Waahid; faman kaana yarjoo liqaaa'a Rabbihee falya'mal 'amalan saalihanw wa laa yushrik bi'ibaadati Rabbiheee ahadaa (section 12)
- translation of sura kahaf
- 1. Praise be to Allah, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:
2. (He hath made it) Straight (and Clear) in order that He may warn (the godless) of a terrible Punishment from Him, and that He may give Glad Tidings to the Believers who work righteous deeds, that they shall have a goodly Reward,
3. Wherein they shall remain for ever:
4. Further, that He may warn those (also) who say, "(Allah) hath begotten a son":
5. No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying what they say is nothing but falsehood!
6. Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death, following after them, in grief, if they believe not in this Message.
7. That which is on earth we have made but as a glittering show for the earth, in order that We may test them - as to which of them are best in conduct.
8. Verily what is on earth we shall make but as dust and dry soil (without growth or herbage).
9. Or dost thou reflect that the Companions of the Cave and of the Inscription were wonders among Our Sign?
10. Behold, the youths betook themselves to the Cave: they said, "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and dispose of our affair for us in the right way!"
11. Then We draw (a veil) over their ears, for a number of years, in the Cave, (so that they heard not):
12. Then We roused them, in order to test which of the two parties was best at calculating the term of years they had tarried!
13. We relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We advanced them in guidance:
14. We gave strength to their hearts: Behold, they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth: never shall we call upon any god other than Him: if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity!
15. "These our people have taken for worship gods other than Him: why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong than such as invent a falsehood against Allah.
16. "When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourselves to the Cave: Your Lord will shower His mercies on you and disposes of your affair towards comfort and ease."
17. Thou wouldst have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the open space in the midst of the Cave. Such are among the Signs of Allah. He whom Allah, guides is rightly guided; but he whom Allah leaves to stray,- for him wilt thou find no protector to lead him to the Right Way.
18. Thou wouldst have deemed them awake, whilst they were asleep, and We turned them on their right and on their left sides: their dog stretching forth his two fore-legs on the threshold: if thou hadst come up on to them, thou wouldst have certainly turned back from them in flight, and wouldst certainly have been filled with terror of them.
19. Such (being their state), we raised them up (from sleep), that they might question each other. Said one of them, "How long have ye stayed (here)?" They said, "We have stayed (perhaps) a day, or part of a day." (At length) they (all) said, "(Allah) (alone) knows best how long ye have stayed here.... Now send ye then one of you with this money of yours to the town: let him find out which is the best food (to be had) and bring some to you, that (ye may) satisfy your hunger therewith: And let him behave with care and courtesy, and let him not inform any one about you.
20. "For if they should come upon you, they would stone you or force you to return to their cult, and in that case ye would never attain prosperity."
21. Thus did We make their case known to the people, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour of Judgment. Behold, they dispute among themselves as to their affair. (Some) said, "Construct a building over them": Their Lord knows best about them: those who prevailed over their affair said, "Let us surely build a place of worship over them."
22. (Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: "My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case)." Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers.
23. Nor say of anything, "I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow"-
24. Without adding, "So please Allah." and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road."
25. So they stayed in their Cave three hundred years, and (some) add nine (more)
26. Say: "(Allah) knows best how long they stayed: with Him is (the knowledge of) the secrets of the heavens and the earth: how clearly He sees, how finely He hears (everything)! They have no protector other than Him; nor does He share His Command with any person whatsoever.
27. And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words, and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him.
28. And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; no obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.
29. Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!
30. As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed.
31. For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade: They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!
32. Set forth to them the parable of two men: for one of them We provided two gardens of grape-vines and surrounded them with date palms; in between the two We placed corn-fields.
33. Each of those gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein: in the midst of them We caused a river to flow.
34. (Abundant) was the produce this man had : he said to his companion, in the course of a mutual argument: "more wealth have I than you, and more honour and power in (my following of) men."
35. He went into his garden in a state (of mind) unjust to his soul: He said, "I deem not that this will ever perish,
36. "Nor do I deem that the Hour (of Judgment) will (ever) come: Even if I am brought back to my Lord, I shall surely find (there) something better in exchange."
37. His companion said to him, in the course of the argument with him: "Dost thou deny Him Who created thee out of dust, then out of a sperm-drop, then fashioned thee into a man?
38. "But (I think) for my part that He is Allah, My Lord, and none shall I associate with my Lord.
39. "Why didst thou not, as thou wentest into thy garden, say: '(Allah)'s will (be done)! There is no power but with Allah.' If thou dost see me less than thee in wealth and sons,
40. "It may be that my Lord will give me something better than thy garden, and that He will send on thy garden thunderbolts (by way of reckoning) from heaven, making it (but) slippery sand!-
41. "Or the water of the garden will run off underground so that thou wilt never be able to find it."
42. So his fruits (and enjoyment) were encompassed (with ruin), and he remained twisting and turning his hands over what he had spent on his property, which had (now) tumbled to pieces to its very foundations, and he could only say, "Woe is me! Would I had never ascribed partners to my Lord and Cherisher!"
43. Nor had he numbers to help him against Allah, nor was he able to deliver himself.
44. There, the (only) protection comes from Allah, the True One. He is the Best to reward, and the Best to give success.
45. Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies: the earth's vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things.
46. Wealth and sons are allurements of the life of this world: But the things that endure, good deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best as (the foundation for) hopes.
47. One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.
48. And they will be marshalled before thy Lord in ranks, (with the announcement), "Now have ye come to Us (bare) as We created you first: aye, ye thought We shall not fulfil the appointment made to you to meet (Us)!":
49. And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.
50. Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": They bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers!
51. I called them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor (even) their own creation: nor is it for helpers such as Me to take as lead (men) astray!
52. One Day He will say, "Call on those whom ye thought to be My partners," and they will call on them, but they will not listen to them; and We shall make for them a place of common perdition.
53. And the Sinful shall see the fire and apprehend that they have to fall therein: no means will they find to turn away therefrom.
54. We have explained in detail in this Qur'an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude: but man is, in most things, contentious.
55. And what is there to keep back men from believing, now that Guidance has come to them, nor from praying for forgiveness from their Lord, but that (they ask that) the ways of the ancients be repeated with them, or the Wrath be brought to them face to face?
56. We only send the apostles to give Glad Tidings and to give warnings: But the unbelievers dispute with vain argument, in order therewith to weaken the truth, and they treat My Signs as a jest, as also the fact that they are warned!
57. And who doth more wrong than one who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord, but turns away from them, forgetting the (deeds) which his hands have sent forth? Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over their ears, deafness, if thou callest them to guidance, even then will they never accept guidance.
58. But your Lord is Most forgiving, full of Mercy. If He were to call them (at once) to account for what they have earned, then surely He would have earned, then surely He would have hastened their punishment: but they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no refuge.
59. Such were the populations we destroyed when they committed iniquities; but we fixed an appointed time for their destruction.
60. Behold, Moses said to his attendant, "I will not give up until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in travel."
61. But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish, which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel.
62. When they had passed on (some distance), Moses said to his attendant: "Bring us our early meal; truly we have suffered much fatigue at this (stage of) our journey."
63. He replied: "Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish: none but Satan made me forget to tell (you) about it: it took its course through the sea in a marvellous way!"
64. Moses said: "That was what we were seeking after:" So they went back on their footsteps, following (the path they had come).
65. So they found one of Our servants, on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own Presence.
66. Moses said to him: "May I follow thee, on the footing that thou teach me something of the (Higher) Truth which thou hast been taught?"
67. (The other) said: "Verily thou wilt not be able to have patience with me!"
68. "And how canst thou have patience about things about which thy understanding is not complete?"
69. Moses said: "Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught."
70. The other said: "If then thou wouldst follow me, ask me no questions about anything until I myself speak to thee concerning it."
71. So they both proceeded: until, when they were in the boat, he scuttled it. Said Moses: "Hast thou scuttled it in order to drown those in it? Truly a strange thing hast thou done!"
72. He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"
73. Moses said: "Rebuke me not for forgetting, nor grieve me by raising difficulties in my case."
74. Then they proceeded: until, when they met a young man, he slew him. Moses said: "Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none? Truly a foul (unheard of) thing hast thou done!"
75. He answered: "Did I not tell thee that thou canst have no patience with me?"
76. (Moses) said: "If ever I ask thee about anything after this, keep me not in thy company: then wouldst thou have received (full) excuse from my side."
77. Then they proceeded: until, when they came to the inhabitants of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused them hospitality. They found there a wall on the point of falling down, but he set it up straight. (Moses) said: "If thou hadst wished, surely thou couldst have exacted some recompense for it!"
78. He answered: "This is the parting between me and thee: now will I tell thee the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience.
79. "As for the boat, it belonged to certain men in dire want: they plied on the water: I but wished to render it unserviceable, for there was after them a certain king who seized on every boat by force.
80. "As for the youth, his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to Allah and man).
81. "So we desired that their Lord would give them in exchange (a son) better in purity (of conduct) and closer in affection.
82. "As for the wall, it belonged to two youths, orphans, in the Town; there was, beneath it, a buried treasure, to which they were entitled: their father had been a righteous man: So thy Lord desired that they should attain their age of full strength and get out their treasure - a mercy (and favour) from thy Lord. I did it not of my own accord. Such is the interpretation of (those things) over which thou wast unable to hold patience."
83. They ask thee concerning Zul-qarnain. Say, "I will rehearse to you something of his story."
84. Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends.
85. One (such) way he followed,
86. Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."
87. He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).
88. "But whoever believes, and works righteousness,- he shall have a goodly reward, and easy will be his task as We order it by our Command."
89. Then followed he (another) way,
90. Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering protection against the sun.
91. (He left them) as they were: We completely understood what was before him.
92. Then followed he (another) way,
93. Until, when he reached (a tract) between two mountains, he found, beneath them, a people who scarcely understood a word.
94. They said: "O Zul-qarnain! the Gog and Magog (People) do great mischief on earth: shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them?
95. He said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:
96. "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."
97. Thus were they made powerless to scale it or to dig through it.
98. He said: "This is a mercy from my Lord: But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it into dust; and the promise of my Lord is true."
99. On that day We shall leave them to surge like waves on one another: the trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together.
100. And We shall present Hell that day for Unbelievers to see, all spread out,-
101. (Unbelievers) whose eyes had been under a veil from remembrance of Me, and who had been unable even to hear.
102. Do the Unbelievers think that they can take My servants as protectors besides Me? Verily We have prepared Hell for the Unbelievers for (their) entertainment.
103. Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?-
104. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?"
105. They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.
106. That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest.
107. As to those who believe and work righteous deeds, they have, for their entertainment, the Gardens of Paradise,
108. Wherein they shall dwell (for aye): no change will they wish for from them.
109. Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, for its aid."
110. Say: "I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.
Saturday, 6 June 2015
21 benefis of bismillah -wazifasof bismillah
bismillahir rahma nirraheem is isme azam
It is reported by Sayyīdunā ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbās raziallahu tala anhu that Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Sayyīdunā ‘Ušmān ibn ‘Affān -raziallahu tala anhuasked the Holy Prophet -sallallahu alaihi wasallam
( about the excellence of) bismillahirahma nirraheem The Holy Prophet . ٰsallallahu alaihi wasallam
[the most Holy name of Allah ] is like that of between the
blackness of the eye and the whiteness of the eye.’(Al-Mustadrak,
pp. 250, vol. 2, Ḥadīš 2071)
My dear Islamic brothers! There are many virtues of the Mutakallimīn, Maulānā Naqī ‘Alī Khān has stated,َّ ِمْح ِ الله ْسبِ Some scholars have commented that’bismillahirahma nirraheem
It is reported from the Sovereign of Baghdad, Ghauš-ul-A’ẓam,
Shaykh ‘Abdul Qādir al-Jīlānī raziallahu tala anhu that bismillahirahma nirraheemfrom the tongue of an ‘Ārif (an ‘Ārif is one who recognizes Allah is like kun (i.e. be) from the words of Allah (Aḥsan-ul-Wi’ā, p. 66)
Endeavours Go Unfinished The Beloved and Blessed Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallamhas stated,
‘Any important endeavour which is started without (invoking) bismillahirahma nirraheem goes unfinished.’ (Ad-Dur-rul-Manšūr, pp. 26,)
My dear Islamic brothers! In order to induce blessings in our
virtuous and lawful acts, we should recite bismillahirahma nirraheem Before eating, drinking, putting things down, picking things up, washing, cooking, reading, studying, teaching, walking,
driving, getting up, sitting down, turning on the light, turning
on the fan, laying the dining mat, folding or spreading the bed
sheet, opening the shop, locking or opening the lock, applying
oil or perfume, delivering a speech, reciting a Na’at, wearing
shoes, adorning the ‘Imāmaĥ Sharif, closing or opening the
door, that is to say, before starting any lawful act (where there
is no Shar’ī prohibition), it is a great virtue to develop the habit of reciting bismillahirahma nirraheem in order to earn plentiful bounties.
1)wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheem for goodness
Shaykh Abul ‘Abbās Aḥmad bin ‘Alī Baunī rehmatullahi tala alaih
writes in Shams-ul-Ma’ārif, on page 37 (of the translation),
‘Whoever recites bismillahirahma nirraheem 786 times daily (with Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī once before and once after) for sevendays without fail,his every need will be
fulfilled; whether that need is regarding attainment of any goodness, or getting rid of any calamity, or for progressin his trading.’’ (Shams-ul-Ma’ārif - translation, p. 37)
2.wazifa bismillahirahma secured from evil eye
Whoever recites 50 times (with Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī once before and once after) in front of an
oppressor, fear of the reciter will develop in the heart of that oppressor, and he [the reciter] will remain secured from the oppressor’s evil. (ibid, p. 37)
3.wazifa bismillahirahma fo becoming rich
Whoever recites bismillahirahma nirraheem 300 times and Ṣalāt- ‘Alan-Nabī 300 times at the time of sunrise whilst facing the sun, Allah will grant him sustenance from such a source that he cannot even imagine, and (by reading this every day) within one year he will become rich and prominent. (ibid, p. 37)
4.wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheemfor memory
If someone bearing weak memory recites bismillahirahma nirraheem 786 times (with Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī once before and once after it) and after doing Dam (blowing) on a glass of water,drinks it,his memory will become strong and he will remember whatever he listens to. (ibid, p. 37)
5.wazifa for bismillahirahma for rain
If there is a famine, recite bismillahirahma nirraheem 61 times (with Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī once before and once after it) andthen ask Du’ā,rains will commence. (ibid, p. 37)
6-7. wazifa for buisness and romove shaitan
35 times on a piece of paper (with Ṣalāt-‘Alan-Nabī once before and once after) and
hang it in the house,Shayṭān will not pass through, and there will be an abundance of blessings. If
one hangs it in the shop, business will flourish. (ibid, p. 38)
8.wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheemfor protect evil eye
Whoever writes bismillahirahma nirraheem130 times (or gets it written from someone) on 1st Muḥarram-uḤarām and keeps this with him (or put on it after plastic coating or sewing in some cloth, or leather) no evil eye afflict him or anyone in his household during his lifetime. (ibid, p. 38)Ruling: Putting on a Ta’wīż (amulet) boxed up inside ametallic casing made up of gold or silver or any other metal is not permissible for males. In the same way, wearing a chain made of any metal, whether that chain contains a Ta’wīż or not, is impermissible and a sin for males. Also wearing a bracelet or bangle made of gold, silver, or any type of metal whether something is inscribed [even if the blessed name of Allah etc. is inscribed] on it or not, is impermissible for males.Women are permitted to put on Ta’wīż in gold or silver case.
9.wazifa bismillah for children will survive. (ibid, p. 38)
A woman whose children do not survive [i.e. die in infancy]should write bismillahirahma nirraheem 61 times (or have itwritten for her) and keep it with her (she may string it in her neck or tie it around her arm by sewing it in cloth or leather after coating it in plastic or sealing in wax her children will survive. (ibid, p. 38)
10.wazifa bismillahirahmato cure home
When closing the door of your house, remember to recite - Shayṭān (evil Jinns) will be unable
to enter the house. (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, pp. 591, vol. 3, Ḥadīš 5623
11. wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheem
If there is At night, cover the utensils after reciting ل ِbismillahirahma nirraheem nothing to cover them with, reciteand place a splinter etc. on the edge of the utensil. (ibid)
According to a narration of Muslim Sharif, during the year there is one night in which illness descends, and if this illness passes by a utensil which is not covered, or a container which has its lid open, then it enters into it. (Saḥīḥ Muslim, pp. 1115, Ḥadīš 2014)
12.wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheem
َّ . Before sleeping recite your bedding 3 times, from the things which sting. and dust off ٰbismillahirahma nirraheemرyou will be secured
13.wazifa bismillahirahma nirraheem
In your business, at the time of lawful trading, whenever you receive something from someone, recite bismillahirahma nirraheem and whenever you givesomething toَِّ someone, recite bismillahirahma nirraheem yourwealth will increase.
14. wazifaF bismillahirahma nirraheemeer Security of the Home
Sayyīdunā Imām Fakhruddīn Rāzī - says, ‘Whoever writeson the entrance door (main gate) bismillahirahma nirraheemof his house gets secured from destruction, even if he is a disbeliever (only in this world). So how high would be the excellence of that Muslim who has inscribed it on his heart’s
tablet forever!’ (Tafsīr Kabīr, pp. 152, vol. 1)
15.wazifa Spiritual Cure for Headaches
Caesar of Rome wrote a letter to Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Sayyīdunā ‘Umar Fārūq al-A’ẓam raziallahu tala anhu
saying, ‘I suffer from an unrelenting headache - if you have any medicine for this please send it to me.’
Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Sayyīdunā ‘Umar Fārūq al-A’ẓam raziallahu tala anhu
sent him a hat and whenever he would wear that hat hisheadache would disappear, and when he would remove the hat, his headache would resume. He was amazed by this, and
eventually, he opened up the hat, and found a piece of paper inside in on it bismillahirahma nirraheem was incribed (TAFSIRE Kabīr, pp. 155, vol. 1)
16. wazifa Spiritual Cure for Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)
If anybody’s nose bleeds (due to epistaxis), he should writewith his index finger starting from hisforehead and finishing at the end of the nose;THE bleeding will stop.
17.wazifa The Method of Protecting Belongings from Jinns
Sayyīdunā Ṣafwān bin Sulaīm raziallahu tala anhu , says, ‘Jinns use thebelongings and clothing of human beings. So, whenever anyoneof you picks up a piece of clothing (to put on) or puts it down (after taking it off), he should recite bismillahirrahma nirraheem name of Allah will be the seal for it.’ (i.e. by virtue of recititing bismillahirrahma nirraheem the Jinns will not use that clothing). (Kitāb-ul-‘Aẓamaĥ, Ḥadīš 1123, page 426)
Dear brothers! And sisters In this way, when picking up or putting
down anything, make it a habit to recite…. bismillahirrahma nirraheem. You will remain secured from the interventionsof harmful Jinns.
18. wazifa … Spiritual Cure for Ending Enmity
If … bismillahirrahma recited 786 times over water, and then
the water is given to the opponent (i.e. enemy),he will cease his enmity, and will begin to love instead. If the same is served to a friend to drink, the friendship will becomestronger. (Jannatī Zaīwar, p. 578)
19.wazifa Spiritual Cure from Illness
Reciting… bismillahirrahma nirraheem..100 times for a duration of 3days, with full presence of heart, and then performing of Dam(blowing) upon any pain or illness, willrelief from that [pain or illness]. (Jannatī Zaīwar, p. 579)
20. wazifa Security from Thieves and Sudden Death
If at night, before going to sleep, bismillahirrahma read 21 times , the wealth and belongings [of thereciter] will remain secured, and he will remain secured fromsudden death. (Jannatī Zaīwar, p. 579)
21.wazifa An Easy Remedy for Distancing Calamities
It is reported by Sayyīdunā ‘Alī al-Murtaḍā - that the Holy Prophet… sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said, ‘O ‘Alī! Shall I nottell you about such words that you can recite at the time of calamity?’ Sayyīdunā ‘Alī… raziallahu tala anhu. replied, ‘Of course!May my soul be sacrificed for you! I have learnt every goodness only from you.’ The Noble Prophet… sallallahu alaihi wasallam. then said, ‘Whenever you are caught in any calamity, invoke:
wazifa to enter paredise
Amīr-ul-Mūminīn Sayyiduna ali.... stated, ‘I heard the Noble Prophet..... Sallallahu alaihi wasallam from the Mimbar [pulpit] that whoever recites Āyat-ul-Kursī after every Ṣalāĥ, there is nothing preventing him from entry to Paradise except death, and whoever recites this before going
to sleep at night, Allah will protect him, his house, and the neighbouring houses.’ (Shu’ab-ul-Īmān, pp. 458, vol. 2, Ḥadīš 2395
علی .... میں پیغمبر اکرم نے سنا '، کہا نبی..صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم.. صلی وسلم جو شخص ہر نماز کے بعد آیت الکرسی پڑھے کہ شیخ الاسلام منبر [منبر] سے، اسے روک تھام کچھ بھی نہیں ہے موت کے سوا جنت میں داخلے، اور جس سے جانے سے پہلے اس کی تلاوت
رات کو سونے کے، اللہ تعالی نے اسے، اس کے گھر، اور ہمسایہ گھروں کی حفاظت کرے گا. '2395 ( القرآن ایمان، پی پی. 458، ج 2، حدیث
Ali . .. . mein paighambar akram ne suna ', kaha nabi. . sale Allah alaihi wasallam. . sale wasallam jo shakhs har namaz ke baad aayat al kursi parhay ke Sheikh al - islam minbar [ minbar ] se, usay rok thaam kuch bhi nahi hai mout ke siwa jannat mein dakhlay, aur jis se jane se pehlay is ki tilawat
raat ko sonay ke, Allah taala ne usay, is ke ghar, aur hamsaaya gharon ki hifazat kere ga.' 2395 ( al quran imaan, pi pi. 458, j 2, hadees
transliteration of Ayatul Kursi
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom; laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; man zallazee yashfa'u indahooo illaa be iznih; ya'lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum; wa laa yuheetoona beshai 'immin 'ilmihee illa be maa shaaaa; wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya'ooduho hifzuhumaa; wa huwal aliyyul 'azeem
اللَّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاو ;َاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ
translation of Ayatul Kursi
O Lord! Where are you sending us to? Are you sending us to a place of [the People of] transgressions and sins?’
Allah, the Noble and Grand, revealed to them (the verses), ‘Go down as I swear by My Greatness and My Majesty that not a single person from amongst the progeny of Muhammad and their followers shall recite you after that which I have made obligatory upon them (the five canonical prayers) every day except that I will glance at them with a special glance with My eyes seventy times every day and with every glance, I will fulfill seventy of their desires and I will accept (their supplications) even though they have sins (on their record) and these verses will make up the basis of The Book (Ummul Kitab – meaning Suratul Hamd) and the verse, ‘Allah bears witness that there is no other entity worthy of worship except for Him and so do the angels (bear witness to this) and so do those who possess knowledge’ [3:18] and Ayatul Kursi and the verse of dominion, ‘Say: To Allah belongs the Kingdom…’ [3:26]
wazifa to secure from dajjal
It is reported by Sayyiduna Abu Darda that theMerciful Prophet .sallallahu alaihi wasallam has stated, ‘Whoever memorizes the first 10 verses of Surah Kahf will remainsecured from Dajjal’ and in another narration it ismentioned, ‘Whoever memorizes the last 10 verses
ofSurah Kahf, he will remain secured from Dajjal’. (Sa iMuslim, pp. 404, adiš 809)
Transliteration of Quran In English - Surah Al-Kahf
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
- Alhamdu lillaahil lazeee anzala 'alaa 'abdihil kitaaba wa lam yaj'al lahoo 'iwajaa
- Qaiyimal liyunzira baasan shadeedam mil ladunhu wa yubashshiral mu'mineenal lazeena ya'maloonas saalihaati anna lahum ajran hasanaa
- Maakiseena feehi abadaa
- Wa yunziral lazeena qaalut takhazal laahu waladaa
- Maa lahum bihee min 'ilminw wa laa li aabaaa'ihim; kaburat kalimatan takhruju min afwaahihim; iny yaqooloona illaa kazibaa
- Fala'allaka baakhi'un nafsaka 'alaaa aasaarihim illam yu;minoo bihaazal hadeesi asafaa
- Innaa ja'alnaa ma 'alal ardi zeenatal lahaa linabluwahum ayyuhum ahsanu 'amalaa
- Wa innaa lajaa 'iloona maa 'alaihaa sa'aeedan juruzaa
- Am hasibta anna Ashaabal Kahfi war Raqeemi kaanoo min Aayaatinaa 'ajabaa
- Iz awal fityatu ilal Kahfi faqaaloo Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa
- Fadarabnaa 'alaaa aazaanihim fil Kahfi seneena 'adadaa
- Summa ba'asnaahum lina'lama ayyul hizbaini ahsaa limaa labisooo amadaa (section 1)
- Nahnu naqussu 'alaika naba ahum bilhaqq; innahum fityatun aamanoo bi Rabbihim wa zidnaahum hudaa
- Wa rabatnaa 'alaa quloo bihim iz qaamoo faqaaloo Rabbunaa Rabbus samaawaati wal ardi lan nad'uwa min dooniheee ilaahal laqad qulnaaa izan shatataa
- Haaa'ulaaa'i qawmunat takhazoo min dooniheee aalihatal law laa yaatoona 'alaihim bisultaanim baiyin; faman azlamu mimmaniftaraa 'alal laahi kazibaa
- Wa izi'tazal tumoohum wa maa ya'budoona illal laaha faawooo ilal kahfi yanshur lakum Rabbukum mir rahmatihee wa yuhaiyi' lakum min amrikum mirfaqa
- Wa tarash shamsa izaa tala'at tazaawaru 'an kahfihim zaatal yameeni wa izaa gharabat taqriduhum zaatash shimaali wa hum fee fajwatim minh; zaalika min Aayaatillaah; mai yahdil laahu fahuwal muhtad, wa mai yudlil falan tajida lahoo waliyyam murshidaa (section 2)
- Wa tahsabuhum ayqaazanw wa hum ruqood; wa nuqallibuhum zaatal yameeni wa zaatash shimaali wa kalbuhum baasitun ziraa'ayhi bilwaseed; lawit tala'ta 'alaihim la wallaita minhum firaaranw wa lamuli'ta minhum rubaa
- Wa kazaalika ba'asnaahum liyatasaaa'aloo bainahum; qaala qaaa'ilum minhum kam labistum qaaloo labisnaa yawman aw ba'da yawm; qaaloo Rabbukum a'almu bimaa labistum fab'asooo ahadakum biwariqikum haazihee ilal madeenati falyanzur ayyuhaaa azkaa ta'aaman falyaatikum birizqim minhu walyatalattaf wa laa yush'iranna bikum ahadaa
- Innahum iny yazharoo 'alaikum yarjumookum aw yu'eedookum fee millatihim wa lan tuflihooo izan abadaa
- Wa kazaalika a'sarnaa 'alaihim liya'lamooo anna wa'dal laahi haqqunw wa annas Saa'ata laa raiba feehaa iz yatanaaza'oona bainahum amrahum faqaalub noo 'alaihim bunyaanaa; Rabbuhum a'lamu bihim; qaalal lazeena ghalaboo 'alaaa amrihim lanat takhizanna 'alaihim masjidaa
- Sa yaqooloona salaasatur raabi'uhum kalbuhum wa yaqooloona khamsatun saadisuhum kalbuhum rajmam bilghaib; wa yaqooloona sab'atunw wa saaminuhum kalbuhum; qur Rabbeee a'lamu bi'iddatihim maa ya'lamuhum illaa qaleel; falaa tumaari feehim illaa miraaa'an zaahiranw wa laa tastafti feehim minhum ahadaa (section 3)
- Wa laa taqoolanna lishai'in innee faa'ilun zaalika ghadaa
- Illaaa any yashaaa'al laah; wazkur Rabbaka izaa naseeta wa qul 'asaaa any yahdiyani Rabbee li aqraba min haazaa rashadaa
- Wa labisoo fee kahfihim salaasa mi'atin sineena wazdaadoo tis'aa
- Qulil laahu a'lamu bimaa labisoo lahoo ghaibus samaawaati wal ardi absir bihee wa asmi'; maa lahum min doonihee minw waliyyinw wa laa yushriku fee hukmihee ahadaa
- Watlu maaa oohiya ilaika min Kitaabi Rabbika laa mubaddila li Kalimaatihee wa lan tajida min doonihee multahadaa
- Wasbir nafsaka ma'al lazeena yad'oona Rabbahum bilghadaati wal'ashiyyi yureedoona Wajhahoo wa laa ta'du 'aynaaka 'anhum tureedu zeenatal hayaatid dunyaa wa laa tuti' man aghfalnaa qalbahoo 'an zikrinaa wattaba'a hawaahu wa kaana amruhoo furutaa
- Wa qulil haqqu mir Rabbikum faman shaaa'a falyu minw wa man shaaa'a falyakfur; innaaa a'tadnaa lizzaalimeena Naaran ahaata bihim suraadiquhaa; wa iny yastagheesoo yaghaasoo bimaaa'in kalmuhli yashwil wujooh' bi'sash-sharaab; wa saaa'at murtafaqaa
- Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati innaa laa nudee'u ajra man ahsana 'amalaa
- Ulaaa'ika lahum Jannaatu 'Adnin tajree min tahtihimul anhaaru yuhallawna feehaa min asaawira min zahabinw wa yalbasoona siyaaban khudram min sundusinw wa istabraqim muttaki'eena feehaa 'alal araaa'ik; ni'mas sawaab; wa hasunat murtafaqaa (section 4)
- Wadrib lahum masalar rajulaini ja'alnaa li ahadihimaa jannataini min a'naabinw wa hafafnaahumaa binakhilinw wa ja'alnaa bainahumaa zar'aa
- Kiltal jannataini aatat ukulahaa wa lam tazlim minhu shai'anw wa fajjarnaa khi laalahumaa naharaa
- Wa kaana lahoo samarun faqaala lisaahibihee wa huwa yuhaawiruhoo ana aksaru minka maalanw wa a'azzu nafaraa
- Wa dakhala jannatahoo wa huwa zaalimul linafsihee qaala maaa azunnu an tabeeda haaziheee abadaa
- Wa maaa azunnus Saa'ata qaaa'imatanw wa la'ir rudittu ilaa Rabbee la ajidanna khairam minhaa munqalabaa
- Qaala lahoo saahibuhoo wa huwa yuhaawiruhooo akafarta billazee khalaqaka min turaabin summa min nutfatin summa sawwaaka rajulaa
- Laakinaa Huwal laahu Rabbee wa laa ushriku bi Rabbeee ahadaa
- Wa law laaa iz dakhalta jannataka qulta maa shaaa'al laahu laa quwwata illaa billaah; in tarani ana aqalla minka maalanw wa waladaa
- Fa'asaa Rabeee any yu'tiyani khairam min jannatika wa yursila 'alaihaa husbaanam minas samaaa'i fatusbiha sa'eedan zalaqaa
- Aw yusbiha maaa'uhaaa ghawran falan tastatee'a lahoo talabaa
- Wa uheeta bisamarihee faasbaha yuqallibu kaffaihi 'alaa maaa anfaqa feehaa wa hiya khaawiyatun 'alaa 'urooshihaa wa yaqoolu yaalaitanee lam ushrik bi Rabbeee ahadaa
- Wa lam takul lahoo fi'atuny yansuroonahoo min doonil laahi wa maa kaana muntasiraa
- Hunaalikal walaayatu lillaahil haqq; huwa khairun sawaabanw wa khairun 'uqbaa (section 5)
- Wadrib lahum masalal hayaatid dunyaa kamaaa'in anzalnaahu minas samaaa'i fakhtalata bihee nabaatul ardi fa asbaha hasheeman tazroo hur riyaah; wa kaanal laahu 'alaa kulli shai'im muqtadiraa
- Almaalu walbanoona zeenatul hayaatid dunya wal baaqiyaatus saalihaatu khairun 'inda Rabbika sawaabanw wa khairun amalaa
- Wa yawma nusaiyirul jibaala wa taral arda baariza tanw wa hasharnaahum falam nughaadir minhum ahadaa
- Wa 'uridoo 'alaa Rabbika saffaa, laqad ji'tumoonaa kamaa khalaqnaakum awala marrah; bal za'amtum allannaj'ala lakum maw'idaa
- Wa wudi'al kitaabu fataral mujrimeena mushfiqeena mimmaa feehi wa yaqooloona yaa wailatanaa maa lihaazal kitaabi laa yughaadiru saghee ratanw wa laa kabeeratan illaaa ahsaahaa; wa wajadoo maa 'amiloo haadiraa; wa laa yazlimu Rabbuka ahadaa (Section 6)
- Wa iz qulnaa lilma laaa'ikatis judoo li Aadama fasajadooo illaaa Ibleesa kaana minal jinni fafasaqa 'an amri Rabbih; afatattakhizoonahoo wa zurriyatahooo awliyaaa'a min doonee wa hum lakum 'aduww; bi'sa lizzaalimeena badalaa
- Maaa ash hattuhum khalqas samaawaati wal ardi wa laa khalqa anfusihim wa maa kuntu muttakizal mudilleena 'adudaa
- Wa Yawma yaqoolu naadoo shurakaaa'i yal lazeena za'amtum fada'awhum falam yastajeeboo lahum wa ja'alnaa bainahum maw biqaa
- Wa ra al mujrimoonan Naara fazannooo annahum muwaaqi'oohaa wa lam yajidoo 'anhaa masrifaa (section 7)
- Wa laqad sarrafnaa fee haazal quraani linnaasi mn kulli masal; wa kaanal insaanu aksara shai'in jadalaa
- Wa maa mana'an naasa any yu'minooo iz jaaa'ahumul hudaa wa yastaghfiroo Rabbahum illaaa an taatiyahum sunnatul awwaleena aw yaatiyahumul 'azaabu qubulaa
- Wa maa nursilul mursaleena illaa mubashshireena wa munzireen; wa yujaadilul lazeena kafaroo bilbaatili liyudhidoo bihil haqqa wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa maaa unziroo huzuwaa
- Wa man azlamu mimman zukkira bi ayaati Rabbihee fa-a'rada 'anhaa wa nasiya maa qaddamat yadaah; innaa ja'alnaa 'alaa quloobihim akinnatan any yafqahoohu wa feee aazaanihim waqraa; wa in tad'uhum ilal hudaa falany yahtadooo izan abadaa
- Wa Rabbukal Ghafooru zur rahmati law yu'aakhi zuhum bimaa kasaboo la'ajala lahumul 'azaab; bal lahum maw'idul lany yajidoo min doonihee maw'ilaa
- Wa tkal quraaa ahlak nahum lammaa zulamoo wa ja'alnaa limahlikihim maw'idaa (section 8)
- Wa iz qaalaa Moosaa lifataahu laaa abrahu hattaaa ablugha majma'al bahrayni aw amdiya huqubaa
- Falammaa balaghaa majma'a bainihimaa nasiyaa hootahumaa fattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri sarabaa
- Falammaa jaawazaa qaala lifataahu aatinaa ghadaaa'anaa laqad laqeena min safarinaa haazaa nasabaa
- Qaala ara'ayta iz awainaaa ilas sakhrati fa innee naseetul hoota wa maaa ansaaneehu illash Shaitaanu an azkurah; wattakhaza sabeelahoo fil bahri'ajabaa
- Qaala zaalika maa kunnaa nabgh; fartaddaa 'alaa aasaari him maa qasasaa
- Fa wajadaa 'abdam min 'ibaadinaaa aatainaahu Rahmatam min 'indinaa wa 'allamnaahu mil ladunnaa 'ilmaa
- Qaala lahoo Moosaa hal attabi'uka 'alaaa an tu'allimani mimmaa 'ullimta rushdaa
- Qaalaa innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Wa kaifa tasbiru 'alaa maa lam tuhit bihee khubraa
- Qaala satajiduneee in shaa 'al laahu saabiranw wa laaa a'see laka amraa
- Qaala fa init taba'tanee falaa tas'alnee 'an shai'in hattaaa uhdisa laka minhu zikraa (section 9)
- Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaa rakibaa fis safeenati kharaqahaa qaala akharaqtahaa litughriqa ahlahaa laqad ji'ta shai'an imraa
- Qaala alam aqul innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Qaala laa tu'aakhiznee bimaa naseetu wa laa turhiqnee min amree 'usraa
- Fantalaqaa hattaa izaa laqiyaa ghulaaman faqatalahoo qaala aqatalta nafsan zakiy yatam bighairi nafs; laqad ji'ta shai'an nukraa
- Qaala alam aqul laka innaka lan tastatee'a ma'iya sabraa
- Qaala in sa altuka 'an shai'im ba'dahaa falaa tusaahibnee qad balaghta mil ladunnee 'uzraa
- Fantalaqaa hattaaa izaaa atayaaa ahla qaryatinis tat'amaaa ahlahaa fa abaw any yudaiyifoohumaa fawajadaa feehaa jidaarany yureedu any yanqadda fa aqaamah; qaala law shi'ta lattakhazta 'alaihi ajraa
- Qaala haazaa firaaqu bainee wa bainik; sa unabi 'uka bitaaweeli maa lam tastati' 'alaihi sabraa
- Ammas safeenatu fakaanat limasaakeena ya'maloona fil bahri fa arattu an a'eebahaa wa kaana waraaa' ahum malikuny yaakhuzu kulla safeenatin ghasbaa
- Wa aammal ghulaamu fakaana abawaahu mu'minaini fakhasheenaaa any yurhiqa humaa tughyaananw wa kufraa
- Faradnaa any yubdila humaa Rabbuhumaa khairam minhu zakaatanw wa aqraba ruhmaa
- Wa ammal jidaaru fakaana lighulaamaini yateemaini fil madeenati wa kaana tahtahoo kanzul lahumaa wa kaana aboohumaa saalihan fa araada Rabbuka any yablughaaa ashuddahumaa wa yastakhrijaa kanzahumaa rahmatam mir Rabbik; wa maa fa'altuhoo 'an amree; zaalika taaweelu maa lam tasti' 'alaihi sabra (Section 10)
- Wa yas'aloonaka 'an Zil Qarnaini qul sa atloo 'alaikum minhu zikraa
- Innaa makkannaa lahoo fil ardi wa aatainaahu min kulli shai'in sababaa
- Fa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha maghribash shamsi wajadahaaa taghrubu fee 'aynin hami'a tinw wa wajada 'indahaa qawmaa; qulnaa yaa Zal Qarnaini immaaa an tu'az ziba wa immaaa an tattakhiza feehim husnaa
- Qaala amaa man zalama fasawfa nu'azzibuhoo summa yuraddu ilaa Rabbihee fa yu 'azzibuhoo azaaban nukraa
- Wa ammaa man aamana wa 'amila saalihan falahoo jazaaa'anil husnaa wa sanaqoolu lahoo min amrinaa yusraa
- Summa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha matli'ash shamsi wajdahaa tatlu'u alaa qawmil lam naj'al lahum min doonihaa sitraa
- Kazaalika wa qad ahatnaa bimaa ladaihi khubraa
- Summa atba'a sababaa
- Hattaaa izaa balagha bainas saddaini wajada min doonihimaa qawmal laa yakaa doona yafqahoona qawlaa
- Qaaloo yaa Zal qarnaini inna Yaajooja wa Maajooja mufsidoona fil ardi fahal naj'alu laka kharjan 'alaaa an taj'ala bainanaa wa bainahum saddas
- Qaala maa makkannee feehi Rabbee khairun fa-a'eenoonee biquwwatin aj'al bainakum wa bainahum radmaa
- Aatoonee zubaral hadeed, hattaaa izaa saawaa bainas sadafaini qaalan fukhoo hattaaa izaa ja'alahoo naaran qaala aatooneee ufrigh 'alaihi qitraa
- Famas taa'ooo any yazharoohu wa mastataa'oo lahoo naqbaa
- Qaala haaza rahmatummir Rabbee fa izaa jaaa'a wa'du Rabbee ja'alahoo dakkaaa'a; wa kaana; wa du Rabbee haqqaa
- Wa taraknaa ba'dahum Yawma'iziny yamooju fee ba'dinw wa nufikha fis Soori fajama'naahum jam'aa
- Wa 'aradnaa jahannama Yawma'izil lilkaafireena 'ardaa
- Allazeena kaanat a'yunuhum fee ghitaaa'in 'an zikree wa kaanoo la yastatee'oona sam'aa (section 11)
- Afahasibal lazeena kafarooo any yattakhizoo 'ibaadee min dooneee awliyaaa'; innaaa a'tadnaa jahannama lilkaafi reena nuzulaa
- Qul hal nunabbi'ukum bilakhsareena a'maalaa
- Allazeena dalla sa'yuhum fil hayaatid dunyaa wa hum yahsaboona annahum yuhsinoona sun'aa
- Ulaaa'ikal lazeena kafaroo bi aayaati Rabbihim wa liqaaa'ihee fahabitat a'maaluhum falaa nuqeemu lahum Yawmal Qiyaamati waznaa
- Zaalika jazaaa'uhum jahannamu bimaa kafaroo wattakhazooo Aayaatee wa Rusulee huzuwaa
- Innal lazeena aamanoo wa 'amilus saalihaati kaanat lahum Jannaatul Firdawsi nuzulaa
- Khaalideena feeha la yabghoona 'anhaa hiwalaa
- Qul law kaanal bahru midaadal lik Kalimaati Rabbee lanafidal bahru qabla an tanfada Kalimaatu Rabbee wa law ji'naa bimislihee madadaa
- Qul innamaaa ana basharum mislukum yoohaaa ilaiya annamaa ilaahukum Ilaahunw Waahid; faman kaana yarjoo liqaaa'a Rabbihee falya'mal 'amalan saalihanw wa laa yushrik bi'ibaadati Rabbiheee ahadaa (section 12)
Translation of Quran In English - Surah Al-Kahf
- All praise to Allah Who sent down the Book upon His Bondman and has not put therein any crookedness.
- The Book of justice that may warn of severe punishment from Allah and that may give the believers who dogood deeds the glad-tidings that for them there is good reward.
- In it, they shall abide forever.
- And that it may warn those who say, 'Allah has taken a son for Himself.'
- They have no knowledge about it nor their forefathers. What a monstrous word it is, that comes out from theirmouths. They are merely telling a lie.
- Then haply you will risk your life with grief after them if they believe not in this discourse.
- Undoubtedly We adorned the earth whatever is on it, so that We may test them as to which of them is best inworks.
- And undoubtedly whatever is on it, We shall one day leave it as a barren field.
- Did you know that the men of the cave and of the forest's, side were of Our a wonderful sign?
- When those youths took refuge in the cave and said, 'O our Lord, 'grant to us mercy from yourself and providefor us guidance in our affair.
- Then ' We smote their ears many years in the cave.
- Then we raised them up that We might see which of the two groups most rightly tell the period of their staythere.
- We relate to you their story with truth. They were some young men who believed in their Lord and Weincreased them in guidance.
- We solaced their hearts when they stood up and said. 'Our Lord is He Who is the Lord of heavens and earth,we shall not worship any god beside Him, if we did so, then necessarily we uttered crossing the limit.
- These our people have taken for themselves gods besides Him. Why then they do not bring for them a brightauthority? Then who is more unjust than he who fabricates a lie against Allah.
- And when you have separated yourselves from them and from all that which they worship beside Allah, thentake refuge in the cave, your lord will unfold for you His mercy and will prepare an easy arrangement of youraffairs.
- And O beloved! You will see the sun when it rises, moves away from their cave to the right and when it sets,turn away from them on the left, whereas they are in the open space of the cave. This is of the signs of Allah.He whom Allah guides is on the right way, and he whom He sends astray, for him you will never find asupporter to guide.
- And you might deem them awake and they sleep and We turn them about to the right and to the left and theirdog has stretched his forelegs at the thresh hold of the Cave. O listener! if you had a look peeping at them,then you would have run away turning your back and would have surely filled with terror of them.
- And likewise We did rouse them that they might question one another. One spokesman of them spoke, 'Howlong have you stayed here, some of them spoke, 'We stayed a day or part of a day'. Others spoke, 'Your Lordknows well how long you stayed', now then send one of you with this silver, to the city, then let him look forwhich food is the cleaner there and that he may bring for you provision from it, and let him be courteous andlet him not inform anyone about you.
- Undoubtedly, if they would know you, then they would stone you or make you revert to their faith and if itwere so, then you would never get any good.
- Likewise We did inform of them that the people might know that Allah's promise is true and that the Hour -there is no doubt about it. When they began disputing among themselves about their affair' then they said''build over their cave any building? Their Lord knows well about them. Those who prevailed in their affair said,'we swear that we shall erect over them a mosque.'
- Now they will say, They are three and the fourth one is their dog', and some will say. 'They are five and sixthone is their dog, without seeing guessing atrandom, 'and some will say, they are seven and the eight one istheir dog.' Say you, 'My Lord knows well their number, none knows them but a few, so debate not about them,but the discussion to the extent outwardly expressed, and ask not to any man of the Book about them.
- And never say of any thing that I will do this tomorrow.
- But that Allah please, add remember your Lord when you forget and say like this, 'it is near that my Lord mightmake me see the right path nearer than this.'
- And they stayed in their cave three hundred years. Nine more.
- Say you, 'Allah knows well, how long they stayed. For Him alone is all the unseen of heavens and earth. Whatexcellent He sees and what excellent He hears. They have no protector beside Him and He associates no one inHis order.
- And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord, there is none to alter His words, and neveryou will find refuge beside Him.
- And keep yourself familiar to those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening seeking His pleasureand your eyes should not see others leaving them; would you like the adornment of the life of this world? Andobey not him whose heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance and who followed his own desire andwhose affair exceeded the limit.
- And say, 'the truth is from your Lord, then whoso will, let him believe and whoso will, let him disbelieve,undoubtedly We have already prepared for the unjust a fire whose walls would surround them. And if theycomplain for water, then they will be helped with water, which is like molten lead that will burn the faces. Whata bad drink it is, and the hell what an evil place to stay.
- Undoubtedly those who believed and did good deeds. We shall not waste the reward of those whose works aregood.
- For them, there are gardens for habitation beneath which streams flow. They will be adorned therein withbracelets of gold and will wear green garments of silk and heavy brocade, leaning therein on raised couches,and the paradise, what a good resting-place
- And state to them the position of two men, that to one of them We provided with two gardens of grapes andcovered them with date-palms and We placed agricultural farming in between.
- Both gardens brought forth their fruits and gave nothing short in it, and We caused to flow streams amidstboth.
- And he had fruits, then he said to his companion, and he used to argue with him, 'I have greater wealth thanyou and am stronger in respect of men.'
- And he entered in his garden while wronging his soul. He said, 'I do not think that it will ever perish';
- And I do not think that the Hour will ever come, and even if I am returned to my Lord, then I shall surely, get abetter place of return than this garden.
- His companion replied to him while arguing with him, 'do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dustthen from a purified drop of water, then made you a right man?'
- But I say only this that He, Allah, is my Lord and I associate none with my Lord'.
- And why it was not so that when you entered in your garden then you would have told, as Allah wills, we haveno power but the help of Allah, if you see me as less than you in wealth and offspring.
- Then it is near that my Lord will give me something better than your garden and send down thunder bolt fromheaven on your garden, then it may become a bare plain ground.
- Or its water sink in the ground, then you could never be able to find it.
- And his fruits were encompassed, then he remained wringing his hands for what he had spent in that gardenand it had fallen on its trellises and he is saying Oh; 'If I would not have associated anyone with my Lord'.
- And he had no party to help him against Allah, nor he was able to take revenge.
- Here it becomes clear that the authority is of Allah, the True. His reward the best and best is the end ofbelieving in Him
- And relate to them the example of the life of the World, it is as a water We sent down from the heaven, thenthe greenery of the earth because of it came out thickly and then it became dry grass which the wind scatter.And Allah is powerful over everything.
- The wealth and sons are an adornment of the life of this world and the lasting are the good things, theirreward is better with your Lord and is best in hope.
- And the Day We shall cause the mountains to move and you will see the earth clean open and We shall risethem, then We shall not leave any one of them.
- And all shall be presented before your Lord standing in rows. Undoubtedly you have Come to Us same as Wehad made you at first, but you thought that We would never fix any time of the promise.
- And the book shall be put, then you will see the culprits fearing for what is written therein and will say, 'Oh!Woe to us, what happened to this writing? It left neither any small sin nor a big sin that has not beenencompassed, and they found all that they did before them. And your -Lord is not unjust to anyone.
- And remember when We ordered angels to prostrate before Adam, then all prostrated save Iblees (Devil). Hewas of the Jinn, and then he went out of the command of his Lord. Do you take him and his offsprings forfriends apart from Me? And they are your enemies what an evil exchanges the unjust got.
- I had neither made them sit before Me while creating heavens and earth nor while creating themselves, andnor it is befitting to My Dignity that I should make My supporters to those who lead astray to others.
- And the Day when He will say, 'call My associates, whom you fancied, 'then they will call them; they will notanswer them, and We shall set a field of destruction between them.
- And the guilty will see the Fire and will believe that they are to call in it and will, find no way of return from it.
- And undoubtedly, We have explained in varied manner all kinds of examples in this Quran for the people. Andthe man is over every thing most contentious.
- And what hindered men from believing when guidance came to them and from asking forgiveness from theirLord. but that the traditions of the ancients should come to them or that, the varied torments should comeupon them.
- And We send not the messengers but as bearers of glad tidings and as warners and those who are infidelscontend with falsehood that they may subvert the truth therewith. And they took My signs and what they werewarned of as a joke.
- And who is more unjust than he who when he is reminded of the signs of his Lord turns away his face fromthem, and forgets what his hands have sent forward. We have put covers on their hearts that they may notunderstand Quran and in their ears heaviness. And if you call them towards guidance then too, they will neverfind the way,
- And your Lord is the Forgiver, full of mercy. If He would have seized them for what they did then He wouldhave hastened torment for them. But for them there is an appointed time against which they will not find anyrefuge.
- And these towns: We have destroyed when they committed injustices, and We had appointed a fixed time fortheir destruction.
- And recall; when Musa said to his servant, 'I shall not desist until I reach there where two seas have joined, orI go on for ages.
- Then when they both reached the meeting place of two seas they forgot their fish, and it found its way in thesea making an underground passage.
- Then when they had passed over from there, Musa told his servant, bring my breakfast, we have no doubtfaced great hardship in this Journey.
- He said, please see, when we took rest near that rock, then undoubtedly I forgot the fish, and the Satan (devil)made me forget so that I may mention it and it took its way in the sea, it is strange.
- Musa said, 'that is what we wanted; then turned back retracing their footsteps.
- Then they found a bondman from Our bondmen, whom We gave mercy from Ourselves and bestowed him,Our inspired knowledge.
- Musa said to him, 'should I remain with you on the condition that you will teach me of the right things whichyou have been taught.
- He said, 'you can never stay with me.'
- And how you will keep patience over that which your knowledge encompasses not?
- Musa said, 'soon if Allah will, you will find me patient, and I shall not disobey you in any affair.
- He said, 'If you remain with me, then ask, not anything, unless I myself mention it.
- Now both of them set out, until when they embarked in a boat, he cleaved it. Musa told, 'have you cleaved it inorder to drown its passengers, undoubtedly you have done a wrong thing.'
- He said? ' Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to stay with me.'
- Musa said, 'catch me not for what I forgot and put not difficulty in my affair on me.
- Again, both of them set out, until when they met a boy he killed him, Musa said. 'Have you killed an innocentsoul without his having killed another? Undoubtedly you have done a hideous thing'.
- He said, 'Had I not told you, that you could never keep company with me'?
- Musa said, 'If I ask anything to you after this, then keep not company with me; undoubtedly, your excuse isalready fulfilled from my side'.
- Again both went on till they came to the people of a village, they asked the villagers for food, but they refusedto entertain them, then the two found a wall about to fall, he set it up right. Musa said, 'if you had wished, youcould have taken a wage for it'.
- He said, 'this is the separation between me and you'; now I shall tell you the explanation of those things overwhich you could not have patience.
- As for the boat, it belonged to certain poor people who were working in the sea, then I intended to make itfaulty and behind them, there was a king who used to seize every perfect boat forcibly.
- And as for the boy, his parents were Muslims, then we feared that he might involve them in contumacy andinfidelity.
- Then we intended their Lord might give them one better than he in purity and nearer in affection.
- As for that wall, it belonged to the two orphan lads of the city and underneath it was their treasure and theirfather was a noble man; then your Lord desired that those two should reach their maturity and bring forth theirtreasure as a mercy from your Lord, and this I did, not of my own biding. This is the significance of thosethings on which you could not have patience.
- And they ask you about Zulqarnain, say, you; 'I recite to you an account of him'.
- Undoubtedly, We gave him a control in the earth and bestowed him a means of everything.
- Then he followed a way.
- Till when he reached the place of sun setting, he found it setting in a spring of black mud, and he found apeople there. We said, 'O Zulqarnain, either you punish them or do good to them'.
- He submitted, 'as one who did injustice, we shall punish him soon, then he will be returned towards his Lord,He will strike him with an evil striking'.
- And one who believed and did good deeds then the recompense for him is the good; and soon We shall speakto him easy affair.
- Again, he followed a way.
- Until, when he reached the place of sun rising he found it rising on a people for whom We had not put anyshelter against the sun.
- So is the talk. And whatever he had, Our knowledge encompasses all.
- Again, he followed a way.
- Until when he reached between two mountains, he found inside them some such people who deemed not tounderstand any word.
- They said, 'O Zulqarnain, undoubtedly, Yajuj (Gog) and Majuj (Magog) create mischief in the earth, should wethen fix some tribute for you on the condition that you may set up a wall between us and them.'
- He said, 'that upon which my Lord has given me control is better, then help me with strength, I may make astrong barrier between you and them.'
- Bring to me the pieces of iron, till when he leveled the wall upto the sides of the two mountains, he said,'blow', till when he made it a fire, said he, 'bring me, that I may pour molten copper on it'.
- Then Yajuj and Majuj could neither climb over it, and nor could make a hole in it.
- He said, 'this is a mercy from my Lord, 'then when the promise of my Lord will come, He will break it intopieces, and the promise of my Lord is ever true.'
- And on that day We shall leave them that one group, of them will surge over the other and the trumpet shallbe blown, then We shall gather them all together.
- And We shall bring the Hell before the infidels.
- Those upon whose eyes there were covering from My remembrance and could not hear the truth.
- Do then the infidels bondmen as their supporters beside Me? Undoubtedly We have already prepared hell forthe hospitality of the infidels.
- Say you, 'shall I tell you. Whose actions are worst?
- Those whose all struggles were lost in the life of the world and they imagine that they are doing good work.
- These are the people who disbelieved in the signs of their Lord and in His meeting. Therefore all-their deedsare vain, and We shall not establish any weight for them on the day of judgement.
- This is their recompense, the Hell for they disbelieved and took My Signs and My Messengers in mockery.
- Undoubtedly, those who believed and did good deeds, the gardens of paradise are for their hospitality.
- They shall dwell in it forever, not willing to change the place therefrom.
- Say you, 'if the sea be the ink for the words of my Lord, then necessarily, the sea would be exhausted and thewords of my Lord would not come to an end, though We may bring the like of it for help.'
- Say you, 'apparently in facial outlook of a man, I am like you, I receive revelation that your God is one God,then who-so-ever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do noble deeds and associate not any one in the worshipof his Lord.
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