Saturday, 11 July 2015

Black Seed in islam– An Ancient Healing Remedy

Black seed is often called “Habbatul Sawdah” which means blessed seed. The Prophet Muhammad is quoted as saying, “This black seed is a healing for every illness except for death.” It has traditionally been used in Islamic medicine as a cure for a variety of ailments from toothaches to asthma to cancer to insomnia to supporting immunity. The oil is also used topically to treat skin conditions and cold symptoms.
A number of studies have shown black seed to increase the ratio between helper and suppressor T-cells and to increase the functionality of NK cell activity. In 1997, a study done in South Carolina showed that black seed had anti-cancer properties and stopped tumor growth.
Black seed contains eight of the nine essential amino acids. It is high in carotene, calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. It is rich in linoleic and linolenic acid. It is anti-pyre tic, a tonic and anti-bacterial.
Black seed is often mixed with honey or other herbs in treatment. The recitation of special healing prayers from the Qur’an are used to increase the effectiveness of black seed or any other herbal formula.
Black Seed
Black Seed

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Pehli muharram ka asardar wazifa rozi me barkat ka imam husain